Posts tagged obagi
Preserve Your Pretty: Non-Surgical Skin Rejuvenation, #2 : Obagi Blender and Tretinoin

It is often said that one should “Love the skin you’re in.” However, what if that skin has been damaged by years of irresponsible sun tanning in your younger years? Perhaps it also doesn’t necessarily include the effects of hyper pigmentation or the “mask of pregnancy” women may earn with childbirth. Fortunately, I love the skin I’m in enough to have tested a few products that have repaired or improved the overall health and texture of my face.

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TheTop 10 Things You Never Knew You Needed From Amazon But Must Have!

I can’t even remember what my life was like before Amazon Prime. Did I actually go shopping for inflatable rainbow unicorn rafts? Did I test drive every vacuum cleaner in Sears rather than just read the reviews and hope for the best? When I needed 12 dodge balls for a party, Styrofoam balls for science projects or emoji poop slippers, did I actually spend hours driving around town to find them?

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