Getting Gorgeous Photos with Grumpy Children: Surviving Family Photo Shoots

It is said that, “You don’t take a good photograph, you make it” and with our family, we’re just trying to “make it” through the shoot with the photographer not hating us. If you're looking for how to style and survive photo shoots with children, here are my 5 tips on how to get gorgeous photos with grumpy children!

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TheTop 10 Things You Never Knew You Needed From Amazon But Must Have!

I can’t even remember what my life was like before Amazon Prime. Did I actually go shopping for inflatable rainbow unicorn rafts? Did I test drive every vacuum cleaner in Sears rather than just read the reviews and hope for the best? When I needed 12 dodge balls for a party, Styrofoam balls for science projects or emoji poop slippers, did I actually spend hours driving around town to find them?

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The Secret to Commiting to Your Best Mom Body

I’ll never be a meal prepper. I would like to be but my reality is that I cook for a family of nine where no one eats the same thing. Making one more large meal just for me isn’t going to happen. The thought of eating 3-4 day leftovers isn’t appealing either if I’m being honest.  I’ll never give up an entire food group. I have tried and failed within one day. I also probably won’t stop eating the last few bites of my kids’ mac n cheese….but I do commit to my health and fitness in two simple ways…..


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